1 class. 42 students. 48 months. and counting.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

hi guys

I've changed the blogskin! haha. i want to get ur opinions on it, so i'll open a poll after this one closes. To see if many people still come to do blog. So do take the poll! :D So anw bet u guys are all mugging hard. Jiayous and all the best! I've got a story here to share with you btw, if u can spare a bit of your time..

Sunny Days
By Catherine Pulsifer, © 2008

Here in Canada, the month of August has brought rainy weather. Usually, August is a month of warm weather and sunshine, but we have had an unusually wet month. Some of you may be aware that we sell our unique handcrafted jewelry and inspirational products to the cruise ship passengers that dock in Saint John, NB. This past Saturday we had a ship dock and the rain was coming down. I felt bad for the passengers who were on vacation in our rainy city.

I had one woman in our booth and I said to her, "It's too bad it is raining. It would have been nicer if the sun was shining for you." Her response to me was, "It's okay, I am enjoying the day. If I waited only for the sunny days to enjoy life, I would miss out on some great days."

Her response made me think of how often we do wait for that one thing that we think will make us happier.
- when we make more money
- when we own our own home
- when we start that new job
- when the weekend comes, etc.

We need to live each day and enjoy it. I am not saying that we shouldn't have dreams and goals. What I am saying, though, is that we need to remind ourselves that everyday is meant to be lived.

"What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."

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